Killing Procrastination

“Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.”
- Christopher Parker

Training outcomes:

  • Help you understand what procrastination is
  • Teach you how to recognize when you are procrastinating
  • Show you methods how to stop procrastinating
  • Help you find solutions to laziness and lack of discipline

We recommend a half-day training with any number of participants. The format in terms of duration and number of participants will be subject to mutual agreement.

What you will learn:
Procrastination is an emotion-regulation problem, not a time-management problem. The training will give you practical tips on procrastination-beating strategies after you have understood why procrastinators procrastinate.

Why it matters to be familiar with procrastination consequences:

  • Because you can easily leave yourself putting tasks off which make you feel depressed, anxious, nervous and unhappy about yourself
  • Because you have poor discipline, feel anxiety and/or boredom or you have flawed thinking patters which hinders your physically and mentally healthy life
  • Because you want to become the person others can always count on